Welcome to the web site
which accompanies the book `Concurrent and Real-time Systems'.
From December 2010 an online version of the book has been made available for personal reference. You can also order the book from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk.
You can also access slides and other course materials which provide support for an introductory course on untimed CSP. There are also demonstration FDR scripts available. You can download FDR, which will run the CSP files available on this website. For licencing and other information, visit the Formal Systems (Europe) Ltd. home page.
You can obtain a file of solutions (postscript or pdf) to some of the questions in the book. A more complete set of solutions is also available, but with restricted access. Please email me at S.Schneider@surrey.ac.uk to obtain your username and password for access.
Click here for a list of links to related sites.Please contact the author if you have any comments or questions about this web site or about the book or the supporting course material.