Types at Royal Holloway
Types at Royal Holloway, Univ of London
TYPES is an EU Framework VI project (grant ref: 510996), involving 15 main sites and 20
subsites across Europe. The TYPES consortium has been
continuously funded by the EU since 1989. For example,
the previous TYPES project, co-ordinated by
Zhaohui Luo, was supported
by EU in its Framework V.
The current TYPES project is co-ordinated
by Prof Bengt Nordström at Chalmers University of Sweden. You can find further information about TYPES at
Royal Holloway, Univ of London
is one of the TYPES main sites with the following associated
- Univ of Birmingham, UK
- Univ of Kent, UK
- Univ of Nottingham, UK
- Univ of Sheffield, UK
- IRIT, France
If there is any query, please contact the site leader Zhaohui Luo by