MSc by Research in Computer Science
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Programming Languages and Compilers Strand
The taught part of this strand provides an overview of current technologies in
the design of translators in the widest sense, as transducers from
specifications to behaviour. We cover both traditional compilation of computer
languages to machine code for conventional processors and approaches to the
direct synthesis of digital hardware. At the end of this course the student
will have a basic familiarity with the use of generally available industrial
toolkits such as the Synopsis silicon compiler and research tools developed
within this group and elsewhere. In addition we shall provide an insight into
the algorithms and formalisms used internally by these tools which will form a
platform for independent research in the project phase.
The course comprises a directed reading schedule and structured assignments
which students must present during weekly tutorials with their supervisors.
The provisional syllabus lists the material with which the student must have
become familiar by the end of the course: in general some students may have
covered some parts of the material at undergraduate level particularly that
involving classical compiler technology. There is considerable scope to tune
the schedule to suit the experience of students.
- The theory and design of programming languages.
Historical overview of the development of programming languages. Impact of
formalisms on the syntax and semantics of programming languages. Development
of control and data abstractions. Static and dynamic aspects of programming
languages. Future architectural constraints on programming language
- Machine translation and compiler technology.
Parsing of general context free grammars. Constraints on linear time parsers:
follow determinism. Construction of reduced derivation trees. Parser
generators: a survey. Attribute grammars and the interdependence of language
syntax and semantics. Tree walk based output routines.
- Optimising code generation.
The shape of typical Von Neumann processors. Control and data flow analysis.
Alias analysis. Register allocation. Classical optimisations. Bit-serial
specific optimisations. The impact of unconstrained pointer access on
- The impact of compiler technology on computer architecture.
The CISC and RISC debate. RISC as the limiting case of a pipelined approach to
processor implementation. VLIW and scheduling. Architectural support for
compile time speculation. Register structures for high performance code
scheduling. The effects of classical optimisations on superscalar architectural
- VLSI implementation and approaches to hardware synthesis
An overview of gate level CMOS design. A simple synthesis model for
combinational logic. Register and memory elements. Power distribution and
clocking. The use of fine-grain programmable logic devices. Trends in chip
density. Specifying and simulating large systems. Silicon compilation. The
semantics of hardware.
In addition to the weekly reading and worksheet assignments which will form
the basis of the tutorial sessions, there will be two substantial pieces of
assessed coursework as follows:
The implementation of a source-to-source translator using the tools
developed within the languages and architectures research group.
The specification and simulation of a substantial digital system such as
a complete processor using VHDL synthesis tools.
Adrian Johnstone and Elizabeth Scott
- David Lilja and Peter Bird (Eds), The interaction of compilation
technology and computer architecture, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Kenneth Slonneger and Barry L. Kurtz, Formal syntax and semantics of
programming languages, Addison Wesley
Michael Smith, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley
- Klaas Sikkel, Parsing schemata, Springer
S Sippu and E Soisalon-Sioninen, Parsing theory, Vols I and II, Springer-Verlag
Robert Morgan, Building an optimising compiler, Digital Press
Mads Tofte, Compiler Generators, what they can do, what they might do
and what they will probably never do, Springer Verlag
Sadiq M Sait and Habib Youssef, VLSI physical design automation, IEEE Press
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