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Research Project

The Research Project is the centrepiece of the programme and counts for 75% of the total mark for the MSc. It will consist of a sizeable, structured, time limited piece of individual research.

The topic of the Research Project will be discussed by the student and his or her supervisor during the first term. This may also involve following up appropriate Departmental industrial contacts, or making new contacts. A proposal will be completed by the beginning of the second term and discussed at the formal viva which occurs at the beginning of the second term. The proposal will be finalised by the end of January.

The project itself will normally be in a research area associated with the strand which the student has followed during the first term.

Ideally the programme should have both theoretical and practical elements. A project weighted too heavily on either side is inappropriate.

Structure of the Research Project

Supervision will normally consist of a one-hour meeting per week during the Spring term, and a one-hour meeting per fortnight thereafter.

An interim report will be required by the end of the Spring term. It will count for 10% of the final mark for the project. Its form will be settled in the project proposal, but it might for example consist of a literature survey.

The final report will be required by the middle of September.

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Last updated Fri, 23-Jan-2009 15:13 GMT / PS
Department of Computer Science, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
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