Reuben N. S. Rowe
"In most of life, you can bluff, but not with computers" — Donald Knuth

I am a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. I also have a RHUL web page.
I do research in the areas of programming language semantics and formal verification, as well as some logic and proof theory. I am also interested in type systems, in particular intersection types and guarded recursive types, and fundamental models of computation such as λ-calculus, term rewriting systems, and process calculi.
From 2016 – 2019, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the PLAS group at the University of Kent, and in the PPLV group at University College London from 2014 – 2016. Prior to that, I was as a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where I was responsible for teaching and admissions for the MSc in Computing Science. In another life, I also worked in industry as a web developer. I was awarded my MSc in Advanced Computing with Distinction in 2008, and my PhD in 2013, both from Imperial College London. I obtained my BA in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge Computer Lab in 2004, where I was a member of Fitzwilliam College.
I currently teach the 1st year programming labs (CS1822) and the Object-Oriented Programming II module (CS1812/13). Please see my teaching page for more details.
Mar 24, 2020 | My paper with Liron Cohen, Integrating Induction and Coinduction via Closure Operators and Proof Cycles , has been accepted to IJCAR 2020! |
Mar 6, 2020 | Unfortunately, the 2020 ASL North American Annual Meeting has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It is planned to offer speakers the opportunity to make their presentations available online. |
Oct 18, 2019 | I am organising a Special Session on Proof Theory at the 2020 ASL North American Annual Meeting, to be held at UC Irvine, in California, in March 2020. My co-organisers are Elaine Pimentel and Valeria de Paiva. |