Software Language Engineering, Royal Holloway, University of London
Language engineering
Our work in software language engineering focuses on the theory and application of grammar-based techniques. Our interests encompass traditional programming language design and implementation; Domain Specific Language development; reverse compilation; syntax and semantics; and the semi-automatic derivation of customised computer architectures for embedded systems.
Research Activities
Generalised parsing
Introductory material
GLL parsing
Generalised LR parsing
Modular grammar specifications
Reduced derivation trees
Backtracking parsers
Modular semantics - the PLanComps project
PLanCompS is an EPSRC project in partnership with Swansea Univesity and City
University. For details see the
PLanCompS website
Customisable process architecture
Convex vertex set enumeration
The grammar tool box (GTB)
The RDP LL(1) parser generator
ASM21toC reverse compiler
Grammars from language standards
We have
repository of grammars extracted from language standards in their
raw form, along with versions suitable for use with YACC and other parser
generators. There are also associated tools for translating between grammar