Type theory
- Z. Luo. Modern Type Theories: Their Development and Applications. Tsinghua University Press. 2024.
(ISBN: 9787302660354)
- F. Bradley and Z. Luo. A Metatheoretic Analysis of Subtype Universes.
Post-proceedings of the 28th Inter. Conf. on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES22). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Vol. 269. 2023.
[The pdf-file is available
and so are the pdf-file of an extended abstract, and the associated talk, for the TYPES23 conference in Valencia, Spain.]
- H. Maclean and Z. Luo. Subtype Universes. Post-proceedings of the 26th Inter. Conf. on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES20). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Vol. 188. 2021.
[The pdf-file is available and so is the pdf-file of its extended abstract for the TYPES20 conference (planned in Torino, Italy, but did not take place because of the pandemic).]
- Z. Luo. Formal Semantics in Modern Type Theories: An Overview.
Proof-Theoretic Semantics: Assessment and Future Perspectives, Proc. of
the Third Tuebingen Conference on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Tuebingen, 2019.
[The abstract and slides are available.]
- Z. Luo. Substructural Calculi with Dependent Types. Linearity & TLLA (affiliaed with FLoC), Oxford. 2018.
[This talk integrates the following two -- pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. A Lambek Calculus with Dependent Types. TYPES 2015. Tallinn, May 2015.
[pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo and Y. Zhang. A Linear Dependent Type Theory. TYPES 2016. Novi Sad, May 2016.
[pdf-file available.]
- G. Lungu and Z. Luo. Definitional Extensions in Type Theorey
Revisited. TYPES 2017. Budapest, May-June 2017.
- F. Part and Z. Luo. Semi-simplicial Types in Logic-enriched Homotopy
Type Theory. 2015. [pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. A Pluralist Approach to Type-Theoretic Foundations. Inter. Conf. on Type
Theory, Homotopy Theory and Univalent Foundations. Barcelona, Sept. 2013.
(Also presented at Workshop on Foundation of Mathematics for Computer-Aided
Formalization. Padova, Jan. 2013.)
- R. Adams and Z. Luo.
Classical Predicative Logic-Enriched Type Theories. Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, 161(11). 2010.
[pdf-file of the final version available.]
- R. Adams and Z. Luo.
Weyl's predicative classical mathematics as a logic-enriched type theory.
ACM Trans. on Computational Logic, 11(2). 2010.
[pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. Dependent record types revisited. Proc. of the 1st Inter. Workshop on
Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants (MLPA'09), Montreal. ACM Inter. Conf. Proceeding Series; Vol. 429. 2009.
[pdf-file of the final version available.]
- Y. Feng and Z. Luo. Typed Operational Semantics for Dependent Record
Types. Proceedings of
Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES'09),
Aussois, France. EPTCS 53, 2009.
[pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. Manifest fields and module mechanisms in intensional type theory.
In Types for Proofs and Programs, Proc. of Inter. Conf. of TYPES'08. LNCS
[pdf-file available.]
- R. Adams and Z. Luo.
Weyl's predicative classical mathematics as a logic-enriched type theory.
In Types for Proofs and Programs,
LNCS 4502. 2007.
[pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. A type-theoretic framework for formal reasoning
with different logical foundations.
In Advances in Computer Science,
Proc of the 11th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference.
LNCS 4435. 2007.
[pdf-file available.]
- Z. Luo. PAL+: a lambda-free logical framework.
Journal of Functional Programming, 13(2), pp. 317-338. 2003.
[ps and pdf files of the final version
P. C. Callaghan, Z. Luo, J. H. McKinna and R. Pollack (eds.).
Types for Proofs and Programs.
Proc. of Inter. Conf. TYPES'2000, Durham, UK.
LNCS 2277.
- Z. Luo. PAL+: a lambda-free logical framework.
Inter Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages, Santa Barbara,
California, 2000.
[ps file available.]
- Z. Luo. Logical truths in constructive type theory (abstract). Logic
Colloquium 96. 1996. [ps and pdf
files available.]
- Z. Luo. Computation and Reasoning: A Type Theory for Computer Science.
International Series of Monographs on Computer Science, 11. Oxford University
Press, 1994. (ISBN13: 978-0-19-853835-6; ISBN10: 0-19-853835-9)
- H. Goguen and Z. Luo. Inductive data types: well-ordering types revisited.
In G. Huet and G. Plotkin (eds.), Logical Environments, Cambridge University
Press, 1993. Also as ECS-LFCS-92-209, Dept of Computer Science, Edinburgh
Univ. [pdf and ps files available.]
- Z. Luo. A unifying theory of dependent types: the schematic approach.
Proc. of Symp. on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (Logic at Tver'92),
LNCS 620, 1992. Also as ECS-LFCS-92-202, Dept of Computer Science, Edinburgh
Univ. [ps and pdf files available.]
- Z. Luo. A problem of adequacy: conservativity of calculus of constructions
over higher-order logic. ECS-LFCS-90-121, Dept of Computer Science, Edinburgh
Univ, 1990.
[pdf file available.]
- Z. Luo. A higher-order calculus and theory abstraction. Information
and Computation 90(1), 1991. [pdf and ps files available.]
- Z. Luo. An Extended Calculus of Constructions. PhD thesis,
University of Edinburgh, 1990. Also as Report
CST-65-90/ECS-LFCS-90-118, Department of Computer Science, University
of Edinburgh. [
pdf and
ps files
- Z. Luo. ECC: an Extended Calculus of Constructions. Proc. of IEEE 4th
Ann. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'89), Asilomar, California,
1989. [pdf and ps files available.]
to Zhaohui Luo's Publications page.